Signing IN

Upon your first visit, please visit the welcome table in the burgandy room to register your child. Each child and guardian is given a sticker with the child’s name to ensure their safety. After the service, please bring your sticker to teacher in the classroom to pick up your child. Stephanie Dingman is the Director of Children’s Ministries. Please see her if you have questions!

Children’s Church

One of the greatest privileges we could ever be given is to invest in the lives of children, Jesus said, “Let the little children come and do not hinder them.” Our Children’s Ministry team is made up of caring, dedicated adults who are committed to helping your child know Jesus and His love!

We have two separate Children’s Church classes for children between the ages of 4-7 and 8-10 on Sunday Mornings. Children’s church is dismissed after worship and announcements and before the sermon.

Wednesday Night Family Night services offer Bible Study for adults while children visit many opportunities. Young children will join kids classes. These are packed with fun-filled life lessons, bible study and practical skill learning as well as camaraderie and support. There is also youth group for teens.


Nursery care is provided for children 3 and under. Our dedicated workers will care lovingly for your infant/toddler(s). The room features a toddler play area and age-appropriate toys.

Nursing Mothers Room

We have a nursing mothers room with changing tables and rocking chairs so that mothers can breastfeed privately. There are speakers in the room so that you don’t miss the sermon.